Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week #1

The first week all admin staff were back we had student registration day. In the afternoon, I passed our assistant principal walking down the hallway with a glazed look in her eyes. She mumbled something about not getting the memo about expected dress for the day. She was wearing jeans and a school t-shirt. I was wearing shorts and a school polo - I kept a low profile for the rest of the day. Our assistant principal never worked another day. We were told she was taking a medical leave. Someone made her an offer she couldn't refuse. Victim number one.

I had gotten a new computer that summer and asked our custodians to set up my old one in the coaches office - I had asked the assistant principal if that was OK (since we did not have a principal at the time). Much later I would find out that the asst. principal had been accused of over-stepping her authority by giving permission for the use of these old computers. The computer soon disappeared from the coaches office, never to be seen again. When I asked why the coaches could not use it, I was told that all the old computers were being collected and their use was being evaluated by the new principal. No one ever saw the old computers again.

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