Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Cheer Coach

In October we fired our cheer coach. The principal and I agreed on this one. When I asked the principal if I should contact HR to post the cheer coach position, my principal said she would take over as cheer coach. Whaaaaat?? What principal has time to do that? Of course, it turned out she did not. I was constantly finding someone to cover practice, ride the bus to games or watch the squad while the principal attended to other more important duties than cheering (what could there be?). Once I rode the cheer bus to a game - when she informed me an hour before the bus was to leave that she somehow could not be on it.
This was the first real sign that this principal was, as my mother would say, "a different breed of cat". It's funny now, but at the time I knew we were in trouble.

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