Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Lonliest Highway

Today we drove from Reno to Ely along US 50, the lonliest highway in America. It is the lonliest because we were leaving Jane and Marcia...and also because you see no vehicles for miles and miles. Most of the road is straight and flat but as you get farther west we climbed up to passes of heights from 6200 feet to 7600m feet. The ol' Winnie Minnie struggled but got er done! We arrived in Ely and just like any city in Nevada it has several casinos...we went to the Ramada for a little gamblin and dinner. Kathleen won $10 on bingo...never saw her run so fast (thought she had a bad heel?)...and we played some Texas Tea.

Hogan, per your advice we took a little side trip and guess what we saw? Thanks for the heads up, we did not plan on seeing that sight but there it was!!


dmedsker said...

Did you get your t-shirt?

tammy said...

Looks more like some airport runways I have landed on than a road. Have fun ladies and I cannot remember living without over 5 million people up my *&^% everyday. Yes we are jealous!!! Take a deep breath of fresh air and enjoy the silence.

Tammy & Lori